Friday, March 11, 2011

8.9 earthquake in Japan


Sabah and Labuan residents have been advised to stay away from the coast due to rough seas and high sea level expected to occur between 6pm and midnight Friday but no tsunami warning was issued, by Malaysia Meteorological Department.

“Tsunami Alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake in Japan”
This alert was underneath the search bar of its main page

NTV 7 Live Mandarin News (12 March, 2011 00:00 MYT): more then 300 died & missing people still increasing.

(03-11) 07:36 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- The horrific tsunami that washed away buildings in Japan could be headed to Northern California, with much smaller, 2- to 5-foot waves possibly hitting local beaches, according to the National Weather Service. READ MORE. (PST +16:00)

8:45 a.m. ET: The first waves from a tsunami spawned by a massive earthquake in Japan have reached Hawaii, but observers report no early damage and only a "slight rise" in water levels. READ MORE. (EST +13:00)

Tokyo: Japanese police say 200 to 300 bodies have been found in a northeastern coastal area where a massive earthquake spawned a Tsunami. READ MORE.

RTM 2 Live Mandarin News (20:00 MYT): 40 killed & 39 missing. The death toll was likely to continue climbing given the scale of the disaster.

(吉隆坡11日讯)气象局警告,日本里氏8.9级强震所引发的海啸或將在今晚6时至凌晨12时蔓延到沙巴及纳闽海岸一带,上述地区民眾受促勿前往海边。READ MORE

KUALA LUMPUR: Sabah and Labuan residents have been advised to stay away from the coast due to rough seas and high sea level expected to occur between 6pm and midnight Friday but no tsunami warning was issued. READ MORE.

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - A tsunami caused by a magnitude 8. 8 earthquake in Japan has entered Philippine territory, forcing residents in coastal areas of 19 provinces to evacuate today.READ MORE.

TOKYO (AP) - A powerful tsunami spawned by the largest earthquake in Japan's recorded history slammed the eastern coast Friday, sweeping away boats, cars, homes and people as widespread fires burned out of control. READ MORE.

TWELLINGTON-- A widespread tsunami warning was in effect for some Pacific islands following the strong earthquake in Japan on Friday, Xinhua News Agency reported. READ MORE.

(日本‧东京11日讯)日本週五遭受140年来最严重的地震袭击,仙台外海发生8.9级浅层大地震,强烈摇撼东京,10米高海啸扑向仙台市,冲走大量房屋汽车,恐怕伤亡沉重。目前已传出至少19人死亡,距离震央最近的日本宫本县已宣佈出现“严重伤亡”。大马或受影响 READ MORE.

The Pacific Tusnami Warning Centre has issued the following tsunami arrival estimates for Pacific Islands:

  1. Northern Marianas: 0901 UTC;
  2. Guam: 0917 UTC;
  3. Yap: 0952 UTC;
  4. Marshall Islands (Enewetak): 1021 UTC;
  5. Palau: 1030 UTC;
  6. Pohnpei: 1036 UTC;
  7. Chuuk: 1041 UTC;
  8. Manokwari: 1125 UTC;
  9. Jayapura: 1142 UTC;
  10. Papua New Guinea (Kavieng): 1132 UTC;
  11. Nauru: 1157 UTC;
  12. Solomon Islands (Panggoe): 1228 UTC;
  13. Kiribati (Tarawa): 1236 UTC;
  14. Hawaii: 1307 UTC;
  15. Tuvalu: 1338 UTC;
  16. Vanuatu (Esperitu Santo): 1416 UTC;
  17. Tokelau: 1417 UTC;
  18. Wallis-Futuna: 1435 UTC;
  19. Samoa: 1453 UTC;
  20. American Samoa: 1500 UTC;
  21. Cook Islands: 1500 UTC;
  22. Niue: 1535 UTC;
  23. Australia (Cairns): 1535 UTC;
  24. Fiji: 1537 UTC;
  25. New Caledonia: 1538 UTC;
  26. Tonga: 1605 UTC;
  27. Kermadec Islands: 1656 UTC;
  28. French Polynesia (Papeete): 1714 UTC;
  29. New Zealand (North Cape): 1723 UTC;
  30. Pitcairn Island: 2008 UTC;
  31. Easter Islands: 2303 UTC

UTC is the abbreviation of Coordinated Uiversal Time, which is the same thing as GMT in the broad sense. (GMT +08:00)

Source from Malaysia Meteorological Department, The Star Online, New Straits Times, SinChew-i, Google Crisis Response, Yes World, NDTV, USA Today,, SFGate

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