Saturday, March 12, 2011

我的哀悼与祈愿 (My condolences & wish)


  1. 新西兰南岛基督城(2011年02月22日)- 6.3级地震
  2. 中国云南省盈江县(中国‧北京 2011年12月10日)- 5.8级地震
  3. 日本全岛(日本‧东京 2011年12月11日)- 8.9级地震和海啸


本人也向所有的幸存者说:为了已故者坚强的活下去吧,他们不会想看到你 / 妳轻生吧!为了失踪的亲人活下去吧,他们总会被寻获地!

Sending my condolences to the victims of

  1. Christchurch, New Zealand (22 February, 2011) - 6.3 magnitude earthquake
  2. YingJiang, China (Beijing, China 11 March, 2011) - 5.8 magnitude earthquake
  3. Japan (Tokyo, Japan 11 March, 2011) - 8.9 magnitude earthquake & tsunami

wishing that the missing person in YingJiang and Japan earthquake can be found;

for those who survive, be strong! be hope! think about those who passed, and those still missing, they won't want you to be weak or being hopeless in your life!

¨°o.O Ä£®ïñ £êê™ O.o°¨

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